2nd Aug 2003. Last words on the 2MM bore-athon. Thank fuck

I want to dash this sucker off quick. Very bored. Very very bored.

The 2MM CD was out, we did an all day gig to celebrate this fact. The Arts Cafe on Commercial St, near Liverpool St, East London was booked. I just googled the Arts Cafe and this image came up, my memory is gone, is this what the Arts Cafe looked like?

It looks shit.

We got 11 bands to play it.

These were them, with a brief summation by Mike Diver:

Ships Going Down (“missed“), Trencher (“they’ll steal your shoes and try to eat them“), Cove (“Slightly more sedate“), Econoline (“most melodic set of the day “), Lords (“interesting “), Montana Pete (“not everyone’s cup of tea “), Billy Mahonie (“neither rocks nor bores“), Stanton (“seem to lack that certain, elusive something“), Charlottefield (“excites without the need for madcap moshing“), I’m Being Good (“woefully out of tune instrumental soundscapes“), Joeyfat (“They supported bands like NOFX early in their career“).

Fair enough.

The venue was sold out twice over, it was a beautiful day, The Arts Cafe had a big outdoor space so as people went out to avoid whatever band they hated we let more people in.

All the good guys and girls were there.

Each band got £50 for their troubles apart from Montana Pete who played and fucked off immedietely, that was their ‘schtick’. Crazy cats.

This was Stanton’s last ever gig, we were ‘OK’ by the end, less drunky. Chris moved to Brisbane a few days later. I shed a single tear, unfortunately this was spotted by Ian Scanlon from the band Econoline, he mocked me, I have never forgiven him. I THOUGHT YOU WERE EMO, MR. SCANLON.

We then put the comp to bed and never spoke of it again.

Listen to The Minutemen.

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